Chaos Nation Theory
GRAVITY: Empty Spaces
This book contains thoughts, Poems, Mini Stories and Stories of non-specific thoughts. These are blank canvas type designs. Though they are of such nature, some are personal thoughts. This is my Empty Space. Available on, Amazon and various online book stores.
Costs: Paperback: £6.50, Kindle and various digital platforms: £5.17
PARADOX: Eclipsed
This book is made up of mini-stories in script writing design and is designed to be as real as can be to be relatable but at the same time, the stories are just that. Each story has its own personal message. Some of these stories have a strong tone to them as I wanted to try and express as much intense emotions into it as humanly possible. Available on, Amazon and various online book stores.
Costs: Paperback: £10.00. Kindle and variou digital platforms: £5.17
As a writer, I don’t just use words to describe what I see; I create stories and scenes that take the reader to somewhere new and unexpected. To get a better sense of my work, please feel free to contact me.
“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity”